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Photo gallery - - online free inexpensive, - online free and inexpensive boat plans for canoes, small boats, sail boats, motorboats and powerboats. download boat plans right away. - - boat plans for canoes, small boats, sail boats and motor boats. Ship models, Ship models. once we had a firm grasp on, and established our position in the train world, we turned our attention to ships. we had never seen a contemporary ship model that we were impressed with, so we decided to try our hand at building world-class ship models.. Dumas products estore, Over the years one the most requested models for us to develop has been a freighter. so by popular demand we present our great lakes freighter..
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1024 x 481 jpeg 72kB, Clyde Puffer Lochinvar - Free Ship Plans
400 x 236 jpeg 41kB, Outboard mini tug boat plans
565 x 275 jpeg 20kB, Tugboat Gallery
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Stitch glue construction-boatdesign, This directory includes plans specifically designed stitch glue construction. rc model -1 inexpensive popular contruction method.. This directory includes all of the plans that are specifically designed for stitch and glue construction. The RC Model X-1 is an inexpensive way to try out this popular contruction method. Steel "shrink-wrap" glen- boat plans, This admittedly -tech forgiving variation steel boatbuilding ideal short-handed -- boatbuilder weld, small steel boat great.. This admittedly low-tech and forgiving variation on steel boatbuilding is ideal for the short-handed do-it-yourself boatbuilder who can weld, and who wants a small steel boat that will look great. The mother maritime links: page 16 47, Designers, plans & kits : 16' mckenzie river driftboat plans construction manual ( altair industries, ft. collins, colorado); adirondack guide boat (cedar strip adirondack guide boat kits, north ferrisburgh, vermont). Designers, Plans & Kits A to M: 16' McKenzie River Driftboat Plans and Construction Manual (From Altair Industries, Ft. Collins, Colorado); Adirondack Guide Boat (Cedar strip Adirondack guide boat kits, North Ferrisburgh, Vermont)
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